Introduction to Medicine [MED100H]

Course Director: Dr. Anne McLeod
Course Duration: Weeks 1 through 8

ITM takes place during the first 8 weeks of the 72-week Foundations Curriculum. Each week of ITM introduces students to key concepts and foundational knowledge which they will build on throughout the two years of the Foundations curriculum.

Overall, ITM provides students with:

  1. a broad introduction to the language and culture of medicine
  2. a solid preparation in foundational and social sciences, and humanities for further study in later courses
  3. a basis for the development of professional behaviours among students and between students and the teaching staff

Patient-centred clinical cases are used to bring together foundational disciplines relevant to the study and practice of medicine, in a manner that promotes their cognitive integration by students. Each course week has its own objectives and assessments that contribute to the overall course objectives and final assessment, as well as to student achievement of the MD program’s key and enabling competencies.