The University of Toronto, independent Research Institutions, Health Care Institutions and Teaching Agencies in which University faculty members, students (including trainees) and staff may work and study, have their own separate policies and procedures covering sexual violence, including sexual harassment or assault. The Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Complaints involving Faculty Members and Students of the University of Toronto arising in Independent Research Institutions, Health Care Institutions and Teaching Agencies protocol does not change or replace those policies. Instead, it provides a process for deciding, in a particular case involving members of the University community working in an independent Research Institution, Health Care Institution or Teaching Agency, which institution will take responsibility for the case and, therefore, which procedure should be followed. It also provides for the relevant institution to keep the other informed to the extent appropriate to enable each institution to meet its own obligations to faculty members, employees, and students or otherwise at law. In some cases the responsibility for dealing with a case will most appropriately be shared by the University and the relevant independent Research Institution, Health Care Institution or Teaching Agency.